

Eduardo Antônio Gomes Marques
Permanent Professor, PQ-1B CNPq

E-mail: emarques@ufv.br

Research line: Analytical and experimental geotechnics, with emphasis on Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, Geotechnical Cartography, Slope Stability, Hydrogeology and Environment.

Heraldo Nunes Pitanga
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-2 CNPq

E-mail: heraldo.pitanga@ufv.br

Research line: Transport systems and infrastructure and analytical and experimental Geotechnics, with an emphasis on Environmental Geotechnics, Geosynthetics and Transport Infrastructure.

Klaus Henrique de Paula Rodrigues
Civil Engineer
Young Permanent Professor,

E-mail: klaus@ufv.br

Research line: Geotechnics and Transport Infrastructure, with an emphasis on paving, transport engineering, sustainability in civil construction, civil construction materials technology.

Natalia Assunção Brasil Silva
Civil Engineer
Young Permanent Professor,

E-mail: natalia.brasil@ufsj.edu.br

Research line: Environmental Geotechnics, Transport Infrastructure and Urban Planning, working mainly on the following topics: paving, transport engineering, environmental geotechnics, urban mobility, sustainability in civil construction, technology of civil construction materials.

Rejane Nascentes
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-2 CNPq

E-mail: rejane.nascentes@ufv.br

Research line: Environment and environmental quality, with emphasis on transport of contaminants, soil contamination, soil chemistry, solid waste, liquid waste, laboratory tests (column assay, diffusion, Batch Test, among others), mechanics of soils and sanitary landfills.

Roberto Lopes Ferraz
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: rlferraz@ufv.br

Research line: Earth works, environmental geotechnics, soil stabilization, numerical methods in geotechnics and foundations

Taciano Oliveira da Silva
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-1E CNPq

E-mail: taciano.silva@ufv.br

Research line: Transport systems and infrastructure, with emphasis on transport engineering (transport operations), watershed management and conservation, paving with tropical soils, pavement management and unpaved roads.

Spatial Information

Afonso de Paula Santos
Surveying Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: afonso.santos@ufv.br

Research line: Mapping, GIS and Remote Sensing with emphasis on positional quality control of cartographic bases.

Ítalo Oliveira Ferreira
Surveying Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: italo.ferreira@ufv.br

Research line: Geodesy and Hydrography with emphasis on Hydrographic Surveys.

Nilcilene das Graças Medeiros
Cartographic Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: nilcilene.medeiros@ufv.br

Research line: Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing with emphasis on Photogrammetry and Image Processing.

William Rodrigo Dal Poz
Cartographic Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: william.dalpoz@ufv.br

Research line: Geodesy and Hydrography with emphasis on Geodesy.

Sanitary and Environmental

Ann Honor Mounteer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: ann@ufv.br

Research line: Recovery of energy resources and materials in sanitation, with emphasis on ​​quality and treatment of water and wastewater and advanced treatment of effluents, ecotoxicology and microbiology of biological processes.

Emmanuel Kennedy da Costa Teixeira
Environmental Engineer
Young Permanent Professor,

E-mail: emmanuel.teixeira@ufv.br

Research line: Environmental sanitation: processes, technologies, management, quality and environmental health, with an emphasis on Hydraulics, BIM, Sanitation and Water Resources.

Maria Lúcia Calijuri
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-1A CNPq

E-mail: calijuri@ufv.br

Research line: Recovery of energy resources and materials in sanitation, with emphasis on the use of microalgae as raw material for the production of bioenergy and agricultural uses, as well as the exploitation of its potential in the bioremediation of effluents. In the area of ​​environmental modeling, she develops research involving the use of geographic information systems as a tool for managing water resources, ordering land use and occupation and identifying areas of environmental risks and vulnerabilities.

Rafael Kopschitz Xavier Bastos
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: rkxb@ufv.br

Research line: Environmental sanitation: processes, technologies, management, quality and environmental health, with emphasis on public health, water treatment, wastewater treatment, microbiology applied to Sanitary Engineering, water resources and environmental legislation.

Construction Engineering

Diogo Silva de Oliveira
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: diogooliveira@ufv.br

Research line: Structural systems and behaviors with emphasis on structural elements of reinforced concrete foundations, model struts and tie rods.

Flávio Antônio Ferreira
Civil Engineer
Young Permanent Professor,

E-mail: flavioferreira@ufv.br

Research line: Building materials, alkaline activation, waste reuse, structural fire engineering, structural integrity, structural recovery, mining structures.

Gustavo de Souza Veríssimo
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: gustavo@ufv.br

Research line: Structural systems and behaviors with emphasis on steel structures, steel-concrete composite structures, experimental analysis of structures and computation applied to structural engineering.

José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: jcarlos.ribeiro@ufv.br

Research line: Structural systems and behaviors, with emphasis on fire safety engineering, behavior of materials in fire situation, finite element method and mechanics of structures.

José Luiz Rangel Paes
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor,

E-mail: jlrangel@ufv.br

Research line: Steel structures, composite steel-concrete structures, precast concrete structures, construction systems and processes and computational systems.

José Maria Franco de Carvalho
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-2 CNPq

E-mail: josemaria.carvalho@ufv.br

Research line: Construction processes and materials technology, with emphasis on construction materials and structures, working on the following topics: sustainable materials, eco-efficient concrete, reuse of industrial waste, cement technology and cement-based composites, and maintenance and repair of road infrastructure.

Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti
Civil Engineer
Permanent Professor, PQ-2 CNPq

E-mail: leonardo.pedroti@ufv.br

Research line: Construction processes and materials technology, with emphasis on red ceramics, waste, structural masonry, soil-cement and concrete with additions of industrial waste.


Prédio do CCE, 2º andar, sala 224
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36570-900, Viçosa/MG
Tel: (31) 3612-6105
E-mail: secretaria.ppgec@ufv.br

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