
The subjects are divided into areas of concentration (42 subjects) and related domains (21 subjects). The first group provides training in the fields of the Program, and the second provides complimentary knowledge to the student’s education. As a rule, the subjects in the concentration area must total at least 50% of the number of credits required for the student’s degree (a total of 18 credits at the master’s level and 30 credits at the doctoral level).

Enrollment in Teaching Internship for at least one semester is also mandatory for all Ph.D. scholarship holders and optional for other students. In the Internship, the student usually works in an undergraduate course offered by DEC and coordinated by his advisor. Every student must enroll in CIV 797 – Seminar in the second semester (master’s) or third semester (doctoral) of the course to prepare, present and defend their research project to an examining board. Passing the Seminar, the student must register her/his research project in the UFV Research and Postgraduate System, where she/he indicates the Program research line.

In general, subjects in the area of ​​concentration are taught by professors of the Department of Civil Engineering (code CIV or EAM), who also teach undergraduate subjects for the three undergraduate courses linked to DEC; while those in the related domain are taught by professors from other UFV departments. The Special Topics subjects are offered on a non-regular basis, with a varied menu, bibliography and content, covering emerging themes from different areas of concentration, with the potential to become permanent subjects of the Program. The Special Problems courses are offered to a single student whose demand for knowledge requires the study of a specific topic of research not addressed in the regular courses offered at UFV.

The basic unit for evaluating the intensity and duration of UFV courses is the credit, with 1 (one) credit equivalent to 15 (fifteen) hours of classes. The UFV courses are identified by an alphanumeric code consisting of three capital letters followed by three digits. The letters indicate the department that provides the subject. The first number after the subject title specifies the number of credits, the numbers in parentheses is the weekly workload of theoretical-practical classes, and the roman numeral is the semester the subject is offered. It is noteworthy that, although the PPGEC subjects are divided into four areas of concentration, these can be taken by students from any area of ​​concentration in the Program.


Prédio do CCE, 2º andar, sala 224
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36570-900, Viçosa/MG
Tel: (31) 3612-6105
E-mail: secretaria.ppgec@ufv.br

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