Technical-Administrative Body

The Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at UFV is organized and managed, in a collegiate way, by accredited professors (currently 17), in addition to the head of the Civil Engineering Department. The Coordination, however, is formed by a commission composed of the Coordinator (currently Professor Ann Honor Mounteer, from the area of ​​Sanitary and Environmental Engineering), by representatives of the other areas: José Maria Franco de Carvalho (Construction Engineering), Taciano Oliveira da Silva (Geotechnics) and William Rodrigo Dal Poz (Spatial Information), and by student representative Sabrina do Carmo Alves (Spatial Information). This commission frequently meets, deliberating on matters of an administrative and management nature of the Program, in addition to accumulating administrative functions with the higher levels.

The Program Secretariat is located in the Building of the Center for Exact and Technological Sciences at UFV and has the support of a full-time secretary, dedicated exclusively to the PPGEC, who actively contributes to regular activities and supports organizational and management actions. In addition, the PPGEC has the support of the DEC secretariats and their leadership in administrative and managerial actions. UFV also supports all graduate programs, providing management and information infrastructure through its Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, which, among others, maintains academic management systems and research projects.

PPGEC has the support of the coordinators and technical teams of the laboratories linked to the Department of Civil Engineering, who work directly in experimental research activities. Currently, the LEC laboratory complex houses several laboratories, coordinated by professors from the Department of Civil Engineering and actively involved in experimental research activities, and has a secretary and technical-administrative staff supporting experimental procedures related to research, including equipment operation and supporting the analysis of results. The Engineering Laboratories complex (LABENGE) has a full-time secretariat that manages and maintains the building. It houses 5 laboratories linked to the Department of Civil Engineering, coordinated by DEC professors and directly involved in research activities, which also have a technical-administrative collaborator supporting the research activities. LESA also has a staff of four research professors directly involved with research activities, a secretary and three technical-administrative collaborators supporting experimental procedures related to research, including the collection and preparation of samples for analysis, training in analytical techniques, operation of instruments and apparatus and maintenance of laboratories and study spaces.


Prédio do CCE, 2º andar, sala 224
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36570-900, Viçosa/MG
Tel: (31) 3612-6105

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