
Researchers from the SICon Research Group published an article in the journal Construction and Building Materials

The article Influence of filler/cement and powder/total solids on the mixture design of self-compacting micro-concretes containing waste from the ornamental stone industry evaluated the effects of incorporating large volumes of residues from the processing of ornamental rocks as fillers in self-compacting micro-concretes, considering physical-chemical, mechanical, microstructural and eco-efficiency results. The results demonstrated that the residue has good packaging function, filler effect, heterogeneous nucleation and workability, in addition to being effective in reducing embodied CO2, delivering more eco-efficient matrices for conventional mechanical strength.

The work authored by doctoral student Ariel Miranda de Souza has as co-authors professors José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Carol Ferreira Rezende Santos, Flávio Antônio Ferreira and Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti. Engineer Igor Lopes Salgado and professors Rancés Castillo Lara (UENF) and Ricardo André Fiorotti Peixoto (UFOP) also signed the work.

Click here to access the full article.


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